Rock Wall Reopens!
The Rock Wall Gallery will open on the long weekend, Saturday May 21. We look forward to seeing lots of visitors to the historic Haylmore site. If you haven’t been to see the refurbished stage and solar installation, please come to have a look, and enjoy the new creations from our local artisans.
The Gallery will be open
Thursday through Monday each week, 10 am to 4 pm.
We are looking for Gallery members!
If you are interested in joining the Gallery, please look for information and applications in community sites. You can also download an application at our website:
See you at the Full Moon Dance and Pot Luck Supper on May 21! Bring your pot luck dish, instruments and dancin’ shoes.
Don’t forget to come on Sunday May 22 for the Farmer’s Market and Rhubarb Bake-Off!