Log Hauling to Commence from Bralorne Area – May 11
Information at this Link: https://www.facebook.com/notes/bridge-river-valley-community-association/log-hauling-begins-may-11-on-cp-38/1766353660254045
Public Hearing for Tyax Wilderness Resort “Heli-House” Rezoning – May 19
Information at this link: http://www.slrd.bc.ca/inside-slrd/notices/public-hearing-or-meetings/tyax-lodge-public-hearing
Fire Service Meetings – June 12
Very important meeting to attend. If you cannot attend, there is an alternate way to provide input.
Complete information at the link: http://brvca.ca/fire-services-review/
Special Events
to mark the opening of the Haylmore Heritage Site and Rock Wall Gallery – May Long Weekend
Super fun weekend planned. Looking for Artisans. Dance. See the link: http://brvca.ca/rock-wall-gallery/
FireSmart your Property
We have all watched, and opening our hearts and wallets to the Ft. MacMurray residents.
There are things you can do to reduce the chances of losing your home in a Wildfire Interface Fire.
This link has a whole manual on how to FireSmart your Property: http://bcwildfire.ca/prevention/firesmart.htm
Need more information on anything? Call us (250)238-2534 or email bridgerivervalley.ca. Open Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays 10-4.
As of May long weekend the Tourism Information Booth at the Haylmore Heritage Site will be open 5 days a week (closed Tues/Wed).