A valley wide forestry committee was put together in the spring of 2014 to advocate at a “big picture” level on issues of concern for the entire
valley. In 2017 the scope and mandate was change to more generally reflect land use and resource management issues. We expect areas of interest to include mineral exploration and all forms of land use.
The committee consists of representatives of the Gun Lake, Marshall Lake and Tyaughton Lake Ratepayers Assn. as well as the Trails Committee (BRVCA) and the Bralorne Community Advisory Committee (BRVCA).
In addition community members from the Yalakom have joined in and we have gone to the Yalakom to support each other on forestry issues.
Terms of Reference for the Committee
Forestry in the Bridge River Valley
Below you will see a great deal of different kinds of information and maps related to forestry in the upper Bridge River Valley. Click on the links below for more information. Scroll down to leave a comment.
Click on the links below to find documents & maps specific for each neighbourhood. More information will be added as it comes in.
Lillooet harvesting companies have timber licenses in the valley and logging is actively happening in and around our neighbourhoods.
* General Logging Information *
* Marshall/Liza Lake Logging Communication *
* Tyaughton Lake Logging Communication *
* Gun Lake Logging Communication *
* Bralorne Logging Communication *
* Salvage Logging Downton Lake Fire Communication *
A meeting was held with Interwest on July 17 and that meeting can be watched by clicking here.
A lot of good questions were asked in the chat and Interwest will respond to the written questions.
Residents have been submitting images of the logging as it happens can be seen here.
Thease are the planned Cutting Permits:
CP004 – orange blocks – completed
CP005 – purple blocks – to be cut next
CP007 – green blocks in high risk for landslide areas
CP008 – red blocks
Overview of the planned post fire logging to take place.
The map below shows the salvage blocks as well as all the logging blocks from the 20 year historical files.