Talisker Resources Ltd. has agreed to transfer ownership of the Bralorne Gold Mines maps that date back to the very early stages of exploration in the area and in addition sponsor the work of cataloguing all the maps developed by Bralorne Gold Mines.
Bralorne Gold Mines understands the historic value of these maps and their importance within the community. “We are very excited to work with you on this project! Bralorne Gold Mines is also happy to hear you have received the $2000 donation that is to be put towards this endeavor.” Says Kaitlin James,

Bralorne Gold Mines will transfer the ownership of the map collection to the Bralorne Pioneer Museum, pending the completion of map cataloguing by their geological team. Bralorne Gold Mines will also complete digital copying prior to all maps being transferred. In addition, Bralorne Gold Mines is committed to supplying the Bralorne Pioneer Museum with a digital copy of all maps in the collection that are being transferred.

In the interim, The Bralorne Pioneer Museum will develop a plan to determine how to catalogue, conserve, archive and store the maps. The permanent exhibit and storage of these maps will be part of the restoration of the Bralorne Pioneer Mines Office building.

The Bralorne Pioneer Museum will use the initial $2,000 donation from Talisker Resources and lever it to access other funding that will permit the cataloguing and conservation, estimated to provide employment for at least one summer.

“This is a real historic and valuable project for the Bridge River Valley and the Province of British Columbia,” says Sue Girling, Vice Chair, Heritage Committee. “Bralorne Gold Mines was a provincial and national economic driver for decades. These maps hold significant heritage value for future generations to understand how the richest gold deposits in North America were developed and mined right in this area.”

The Heritage Committee and the Bralorne Pioneer Museum would like to thank Talisker Resources Ltd for recognizing the importance of this valuable heritage asset and supporting the work that needs to be done to conserve this irreplaceable collection.