
Wow, what a great Canada Day weekend we had with huge successes at our Canada Day Parade and Event and also at the Bralorne Ball Tournament!  Thank you everyone for coming out and celebrating!

Bralorne Walking Tour – Thursday, July 6, 6-8 pm

This is our first effort at a walking tour.  If you know something about Bralorne, come on along!  If you want to learn something come too!  Meet at the Bralorne Church.  You need to preregister at   Bring $20 to help pay our guides.

Historic Places Day – Saturday, July 8 

The Bridge River Valley Community Association has a great deal of history and heritage.  Join us Saturday to learn a little more about it and enter to win $1500.

We will have butter, pecan tarts, lemonade and iced tea.

Bralorne Church – will have tours from 12-4

Haylmore Heritage Site – is open 10-4 and will have tours 12-4

Bralorne Pioneer Museum – is open 10-4

Donations will be welcome at all three locations.

Here is how you win the $1500:

Community Banner Painting and Market Day – Haylmore Heritage Site – Sunday 10-1


Bring your wares and set up a table–produce, baking, attic treasures? Pick up a brush to add your mark, and help create a community banner celebrating what we love about living in the Bridge River Valley! Hang out with the people in your neighbourhood and enjoy the sunshine!

Introduction to GPS Course – Saturday, July 15  9 am to 4:30 pm

In this course you will learn the basics of how GPS works, GPS device settings, how to extract and download data from and to GPS devices and how to use a GPS device. A survey will be sent out to the registered participants to see what they would like in the workshop so the course can be tailored to the requests also.

You need to Pre-Register.  Register at this link (includes course details):