The Annual General Meeting of the Bridge River Valley Community Association and the Bralorne Pioneer Museum Society was very successful and well attended.

27 members attended which represent 28%  our membership to date this year.  Our total membership is 101 members and grew 38% in the period before the Annual General Meeting.   

The total members, the high number of renewals and the growth prior to the AGM show loads of sustained support for the BRVCA .  The membership is from every part of the Valley. Zoom AGM’s are interesting but we made it through very well and with a lot of good will. 

A highlight of the meeting was reviewing the Financial Statements in their new format.  Based on last year’s input our accountant worked with the Board Treasurer and came up with a new, but still standard, format which better reflects the financial activity of each of the committees as well 
as the core operations of BRVCA.

The following will be on the 11 member board of directors.  It can be noted that the majority of our director’s are returning.

2020-2021 (one year, first year of staggered elections)

Pat Dahle – President
Michelle Nortje – Treasurer/Secretary
Benno Chapman
Vanessa Abbott
Scott Mackenzie
Dave Sharpe

2020-2022 (2nd part of staggered elections)

Debbie Demare – Vice President
John Robins
Terri Smith
Shayne Selluski
Norris Girling

A short and very constructive board meeting was held following the Annual General Meeting.  Our board is looking forward to working together.Big thanks to everyone who gives their time to this board and all the others in the Valley.